Hey to my sista's!
One thing great about being on a cruise......you don't have to cook for at least seven days! The thought of cooking up dinner tonight has got me totally frazzled. Uh....let's see.....some ground beef....uhm.....taco's....yes...some taco's sound nice.
Now...since most of you know by now I was gone over Halloween.....my first Halloween ever away from my peeps....but they were in good hands because my sister (the wannabeprincess) A.K.A. Big Mama Irene, was here to take my place. If any of you think I AM CRAZY....you haven't met my sista....Lisa! She is crazy funny and has three grown children now....so she know's ALL the tricks little ones use on their "Aunties" while their "Mama" is away.
Big Boo didn't want to go on a field trip last Friday and told his Auntie that he told me about it and I cleared him not going.....Do I remember this? I think NOT! But agreed reluctantly rather than start a feud while I'm gone.
Little Bon....was just full of delight with things that I apparently let her do all the time.....hence therefore makes me "Mean Mama" when I'm at home, but when gone.....I'm apparently the "Best Mom Ever". You
see Big Mama makes great cakes....and Little Bon wanted some serious homemade goodies. We bought cake mixes and icing and cut cupcake holders prior to Big Mama's arrival.
Everyone survived the "soulmate" and I being gone. The only beef I have is with T-Mobile. We purchased an international email package since we were out of the country.....only to not have service in any of the places we went to..including the ship. So....I called home twice from the ship....using the Ship to Shore little button on our room phone. Only to find out the night before we left that one call for eleven minutes and another call for seven minutes equals out to be $216.00 !!!!!! Apparently it's just 7.95 per minute per call.
You know they heard from me bright and early...O YES THEY DID!
More highlights to come....gotta do some laundry.....love to you all!
Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)
22 hours ago
I'm dying! $2hundrend and WHAT?
Can't wait to hear all about it, maybe over a plate of Pumpkin Pancakes?!!?
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