Well....I have to tell you that I am not "One" of those mothers who say, " Oh I don't want school to start....I don't want summer to never end". My first response to that is....."Really? Are you kidding me!" But really down deep...I don't believe not one single one of them. I don't know about you but I can't handle anymore...."Mom...I'm bored!" The last time one of my children who shall remain nameless, Uh....they did chores for two hours! Yes I am a bad Mama!!
Well...Lil Bon started school yesterday....and I actually sent her to the wrong bus stop. Thank goodness for sweet neighbors who called me and told me and actually took her to the right bus stop. (The sent a letter and the soulmate opened it...and needless to say didn't pay attention to the new stop!)
My big boo got his wisdom teeth out and was quite loopy for hours! In fact that's were I was when I got the phone call that she was at the wrong bus stop. The oral surgeon's office. Not a great place to be at 8:15 a.m. on a Monday morning! But thankfully...he made it through...so far he's ok. One side is pretty bad...but the others are fine. The pain meds they gave him had the opposite effect on him. He was wired out....wouldn't sleep and wanted to play video games that were quite frankly giving me vertigo. Not to mention the fact that he was playing a racing one and kept hitting the walls. ( not the best time to play a race video!)
So...I really need a Halleighleuurrr breakfast....but Boo doesn't start until Tuesday August 9th....so I guess I should really wait a week. I can't ever remember school starting this early....but there are NO complaints from this Mama!
I hope you all have a great week and have a Halleighleeeuuuur breakfast for yourself too!!
My New Striped Couch is Here (my honest thoughts)
10 hours ago